There is a certain kind of art to giving a presentation, or a sales pitch in person. It is certainly an attainable skill, but one that takes practice nonetheless. However, since the outbreak of thee Coronavirus pandemic, there has been a massive change in how people communicate at work, and there has been a drastic shift towards Zoom meetings, and online presentations. There are a lot of commonalities between conducting a presentation in-person, and presenting on Zoom, but there are also a few key differences. Here are some quick tips for how to nail your Zoom presentations.

1. Make Sure You/Your Screen Is Visible:

Oftentimes, people will have issues with their screen on Zoom without even knowing it. Depending on where you are in the room, the lighting can cause a glare onto your screen, for instance. Make sure you have your laptop at a good angle so that your screen is clear, and you look prepared and with it. It is important that your listeners are able to see you, and that you are able to look serious, just as in a normal presentation.

2. Know How to Manage Your Screen:

This can be one of the more technically annoying parts of giving presentations, whether via Zoom or any other online communication service. When presenting in person, people can look at your face while also looking at the screen, that becomes more difficult to do online. Familiarize yourself with Zoom, or whatever service you are using so that you know how to toggle your screens around. Don’t go back and forth between sharing your screen and having the camera on your face too much, as that may be unsettling for the viewer. It is fine to keep the shared screen on the presentation for a while, as long as you have an engaging presentation, and a lot to say.

3. Make Visuals Stand Out

In any presentation, the graphs, designs, and other visuals can play a large part in engaging your audience and proving your point. But this effect is heightened when doing an online presentation. The focus will likely be less on you, and more so on the physical slides themselves, especially if you are using the screen sharing tool. Make sure that your visuals not only stand out, but are relevant to your key points, and that you are able to explain them to your audience in an engaging and concise way.

4. Have Notes With You, If Necessary

While some people use notes in an in-person presentation, it can often come across as a bit odd, especially if you are closely reading them while speaking, and therefore making poor eye contact with your viewers. With an online presentation, the camera’s focus is limited, (and sometimes off of you) so you have a little more leeway to comfortably read from your notes. However, do not get caught with too long sentences, as you will still need to make clear, concise points and adapt a bit on the fly while presenting. But keeping a notebook, or another tablet nearby may be a good idea. Just maintain your eye contact and your focus.

5. Be Clear And Stay Calm

Just as in any presentation, try to make your points clear, and do not freak out if you slightly slip up on an explanation, or don’t know exactly what to say. Obviously do you practice beforehand and have notes ready, but be ready to adapt if needed, and move on to the next slide fast. A Zoom presentation isn’t that different from a “real-life” in person presentation, and if you are skilled at the latter, you should be able to learn Zoom, and master your skills with ease. You will do great!